Life events

Baptism or Thanksgiving

So you're thinking about baptism? That is great news!  Here at Emmanuel we love baptism.  Joining the church family is hugely important for the spiritual and personal growth of an adult or child.  

Because of how important baptism (or Thanksgiving) is, here at Emmanuel we believe it necessary for there to be some preparation before the big day.  If you are an adult considering baptism then please speak to a minister about how to go forward.  If you are wanting to have your child baptised then preparation is as follows:

Firstly, because baptism is the celebration of joining the church family, both you and the godparents must come to church for 4 weeks.   If your chosen godparents live far away we will want to contact them to discuss this but it need not be a barrier to getting your child baptised.  

Secondly, following each of those four services there will be a short session (20mins) in which together we will explore the Christian faith.  The sessions are based around the vows you must take for the child, namely that Jesus is God, Lord, and Saviour. We do this because it is very important that you are as informed as possible about the promises you make and the journey on which you are embarking.  The fourth session will be on the baptism itself and the possibility of having a service of Thanksgiving instead.  Once this is done you can decide if you want to move forward and book a date.

Please do speak to a minister if you have any questions


Here at Emmanuel we will be delighted to help you explore getting married in our beautiful parish church. The first thing you need to do is contact Christine, the Parish Administrator, either by ringing the church office on
01287 622251, or via email: .
We will make sure your wedding day is a special occasion, and we will support you as you prepare for your future life together.

To help you think about the commitments you will make, we recommend you click on the following link to the Church of England weddings websiteClick here to be taken to the page.

As a couple take some time to explore this website and discuss together what you find out about marriage. What is familiar? What is new? What is surprising?


In certain circumstances the Church of England accepts that a divorced person may marry again and this has been the case since 2002. There may be a way forward for you to remarry in Emmanuel Church, but you will need to talk to the Vicar about this.

Venue for your Reception

Over the years a number of couples have taken the opportunity to book the Church Hall (ECHO) for their wedding reception. If this is something you would like to explore, please speak to Christine, the Parish Administrator.


Here at Emmanuel we recognise the sadness and grief that surrounds the death of someone you love, and how difficult it can be to make the necessary arrangements for their funeral. The Vicar, supported by other ministers at Emmanuel, are available to help you at this difficult time. Please contact them via the church office on 01287 622251. Furthermore, the Church of England has a helpful website dedicated to supporting those who are bereaved and who need to plan a funeral. Please click on the following link:  


The message at all funerals at Emmanuel Church is one of hope. We understand that it is a time of sadness because someone you know and love has died. We also recognise that for many it is a time of thanksgiving, as you remember the life of your loved one. Furthermore, we realise that it is a time to reflect on the Christian message of hope in life after death.

Pastoral Questions

Experiencing the death of someone you love will not only be a time of sadness, but may leave you reflecting on some of life’s big questions. Where has my loved one gone? Is there a God? Do heaven and hell exist? What happens to the body after death?
At Emmanuel there are people who are there to listen to you and to help you. If you would like to speak to someone, please do not hesitate to contact the church office on 01287 622251, or via email:

Venue for the funeral wake

Over the years a number of families have taken the opportunity to book the Church Hall (ECHO) for the funeral wake. If this is something you would like to explore, please speak to Christine, the Parish Administrator.